Language Institute

At the Language Institute we are committed to providing students with the best possible instruction and learning environment. Our teachers are experienced, professionally trained instructors in teaching English as a second language, and they are dedicated to providing students with excellent classroom instruction. Students who qualify for this program will take two specialized English courses: Foundations of Language and Foundations of Literacy.
The Roosevelt Junior High campus serves 7th and 8th grades, while the Grace M. Davis High School campus serves 9th -12th. Students from all over Modesto City Schools attend this program and transportation is provided if the student lives outside the Roosevelt or Grace Davis attendance areas. While learning content and staying on track to graduate, students also learn invaluable lessons from each other while mastering reading, writing, listening, and speaking the English language. Students are concurrently enrolled in ELD courses along with other core and elective options.
The Language Institute’s intensive English Language Development program is specifically designed and continually developed to help non-native speakers learn essential English skills. The classes are taught in a friendly and caring atmosphere, by well-qualified instructors, which encourages active participation from each student. An ELPAC exam score is used to structure student program placement.
Transportation will be provided to your student while enrolled in the Language institute, but transportation to Davis high School may not be guaranteed once your student completes one year in the Language Institute. Students may only be enrolled in the Language Institute for a maximum of one year.