Forensic/Biotech Science

Forensic/Biotech Science is designed to give students an introduction to the scientific concepts and laboratory research techniques currently used in the field of biotechnology. Students will develop laboratory skills, critical thinking, and communication skills currently used in the biotechnology industry. Through extensive directed reading, reflective writing, laboratory work, and workplace experiences, students will explore and evaluate career opportunities in the field of biotechnology and receive advanced training leading to a career requiring education at a postsecondary level. The Biotech/Forensic Science courses will fulfill a students graduation requirement for science as well as some elective credit.
Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathway

Provide STEM Outreach to our Community
Local elementary school science nights
Girl Scout STEM Night
CSI Camp with Modesto Police Department
Science Day at CSU Stanislaus
Mentors for Juniors all year
Student led projects and research
Cross-curricular projects within Academy classes
Field Trips and tours of colleges
Follow the FBA on social media!
Heather Friedberg
Applied Chemistry & Biotechnology, Science and Ethics of Biotechnology
Jennifer McKinney
Coordinator-Forensic Biotechnology Academy

Are you interested in having us at your STEM Event?
email Jennifer McKinney for dates and times.

Students helping at Lakewood Elementary

Recruitment at Savage Middle School

Junior's field trip to Academy of Sciences

Competing at Occupation Olympics at Turlock Fairgrounds