Parking Permits
Parking Rules and Regulations
All student vehicles must be registered with the Supervision Office, and the current Enochs High School parking permit and number must be visibly displayed in the front window or on the rear-view mirror during regular school hours, 7:00 am – 4:00 pm. This applies to visiting ROP students as well.
The student must possess a valid California Driver's license and proof of insurance at all times.
The student and parents/guardians assume liability for damage to school property or other properties.
The school cannot be held responsible for damage or loss to any vehicle brought to school.
Vehicles are to be parked and not used during the school day, except when prior approval has been granted by the school.
Students must park in the designated STUDENT PARKING AREAS and in the spaces designated for students. This includes motorized, two-wheeled vehicles. Students/vehicles are not permitted behind the school during regular school hours.
Parking citations will be issued for violations of regulations by District staff, including failure to properly display a permit for any reason, at any time. If the permit is lost or left in a different vehicle, student must obtain a temporary permit from the supervision office as soon as they arrive on campus. Failure to use a temporary permit may result in a parking citation that will not be voided. Lost or stolen permits will be replaced at student’s expense.
Speeding, reckless driving, or other dangerous behaviors will be managed through the Supervision Office with possible loss of permit. Parents will be contacted regarding the offense.
Repeat violations may result in loss of school driving/parking privileges.
Loitering or trespassing after school hours may result in permit revocation. Vehicles may be towed at the owner’s expense.
Parking permits are a privilege, do not guarantee a reserved parking space, and may be revoked for just cause.
Any vehicle parked on school property may be subject to citations according to California Vehicle Codes, Modesto Municipal Codes, District policy, and parking regulations.
All vehicles subject to search on school property. By entering school property, the person driving any vehicle is deemed to consent to a complete search of the vehicle – all its compartments and contents – by school officials or law enforcement for any reason whatsoever. This notice applies to all vehicles of any type and is in force 24 hours a day. California Vehicle Code 21113 (A).
For easy How-To instructions for completing the application process, please visit: the Parking Permit Application Quick Guide
To begin the Parking Permit process, each year the student must:
Complete the Student Parking Permit Application Students must be logged in to their MCS Google account to access the application.
Complete the Student/Parent Parking Permit Signature Form.
Once the application and signature form are completed, the student must bring the signed signature form to the Supervision Office to receive a parking permit.
Application for a parking permit does not guarantee a permit will be issued. Enochs High School has a limited number of permits and parking spaces. We cannot guarantee parking spaces, and spaces are not reserved for students.
ROP STUDENTS from other campuses must have an ENOCHS ROP permit to park on the Enochs campus.
Parking Areas: