Yearbooks will be available for purchase at the discounted price of $85 during ORIENTATION WEEK ONLY. Online sales for the yearbook will begin the first week of school and are $90 during SEMESTER 1 and will increase by $5 each quarter. The book order is placed with Varsity Yearbooks in late January. All books sold after the order has been placed will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. We order a limited number of books beyond those sold and sell out EVERY year! Get yours EARLY!
Tribute Ads

Yearbook Tribute Ad
We have limited space for senior ads in the 2025 Wingspan Yearbook. If you would like to purchase an ad, act quickly to secure your senior’s space.
1/4 page $120 (4-5 pictures, 45 words max.)
1/2 page $240 (5-7 pictures, 75 words max.)
Full page $480 (7-10 pictures, 125 words max.) *limited
Word count is an approximation and is dictated by design and number of photos included in ad. Full page ads are limited and NOT GUARANTEED.
Click here to reserve space for a Tribute Ad! READ THE DETAILS!
If you have any questions, contact Tamra McCarthy by email at or by voicemail (209) 492-4498. If you are calling about ads, please say so in your message.
❗ Deadline is August 31, 2024.