Honors Mobile Apps & Software Development

Coding clipart

Mobile applications are becoming increasingly important to our consumption of media, news, social interaction, and learning. In this course, students will learn how to create mobile apps using React Native, a popular framework developed by Facebook and used by successful tech companies including Airbnb, lnstagram, Tesla, and more. As an on line blended course, students will design and build applications to run on their own smartphones and will use the latest tools and technologies available for mobile app development. Students will learn the foundations of the React Native framework, components, and how to use components to create scalable, custom, and fast mobile applications. Students will also learn about important computer science topics including state changes, using XML and stylesheet objects, mapping through objects, rendering dynamic data, and creating modular app layouts with flex and the Dimensions API.

The Mobile Apps course is designed as a two-semester course for students who have completed at least one year of programming, preferably in JavaScript. React Native is a professional framework that requires an understanding of advanced JavaScript concepts. Web Design experience will help students when learning how to layout and style their apps, as the concept of tags are used heavily, and the formatting of the Reacy Native Stylesheet is similar to CSS.


Computer components

  1. JavaScript and Web Design Bootcamp

  2. Interactive Components and Layout Design

  3. Functional and Dynamic App Development

  4. Data Collection and Analysis

  5. User Interfaces

Course Information

COURSE NUMBER: COM09851 (S1)     COM09852 (S2)


DURATION:  2 semesters

CREDIT:  5 units per semester


Career Preparation

Computer Programming, Web Development, Information Systems, Systems Software, Software Applications

SSD Pathway

This course is a part of Enochs’s Software & Systems Development pathway.  Click here for more information on our pathway and the courses we offer.