Support Services
Enochs High School maintains a comprehensive school counseling program that offers a multi-tiered, multi-domain system of support for students as they progress through high school.
Enochs has a well trained school counseling staff that is prepared to monitor academic progress toward meeting graduation requirements. School Counselors also provide students with support for their academic, personal and social needs.
Enochs High School has a full time College Counselor who assists students with college applications, letters of recommendation, and information regarding college entrance exams, financial aid, and scholarships. The college counselor provides classroom presentations and individual appointments for parents and students.
School Counselors make classroom visits during the school year to provide resources and lessons to all students on campus. School counselors also visit classrooms to help students complete 4-year planning and balloting. During the presentations, counselors review graduation requirements and each student’s transcript, with a focus on meeting post secondary college and career goals.
Parent conferences are always available as a support for students and their parents. In addition to meetings with teachers, parents have the opportunity to meet with a counselor at any time to review their student’s progress toward meeting the graduation requirements or other concerns they may have.
Students who are struggling are supported by our tiered approach to interventions. Students and parents should always reach out to the teacher as the first step in getting needed academic support.
Students who qualify for a 504 plan or an IEP are also provided with an annual meeting to review academic progress, determine educational goals, review modifications and accommodations in education, and ensure that students are educated in the least restrictive environment possible.
If you have questions regarding the support services available to students, please do not hesitate to contact the support services office at Enochs at (209) 574-1723.