Tardy and Truancy Policies:


One of the responsibilities of each student is to be in the classroom in their seat or workstation when the bell rings or when class is to begin. Being tardy is irresponsible behavior because it is disruptive to the learning process.

The first, second, and third tardy in each class is managed by the classroom teacher. The following consequences relate to the fourth and successive tardies in each class:

4th tardy: referral to the Intervention Center (reflection, identification of issues, counseling, communication)

5th tardy: 1- 30-minute detention (served within 5 days of referral)

6th tardy: 1 60-minute detention (served within 5 days of referral)

7th tardy: 2- 60-minute detentions, with parent contact (served within 5 days of referral)

8th tardy: Saturday School, with parent contact (4- 60-minute detention option, served within 7 days of referral)

9th tardy: Saturday School, no detention option, and parent conference

10th tardy: SART conference and 2- 60-minute detentions (served within 5 days of referral)

11th tardy and beyond: 2- 60-minute detentions (served within 5 days of referral)

13th tardy: SARB referral

Truancy Policy:

Students may not be absent from school without approval of the school. Absences will be considered unexcused and may affect extracurricular eligibility if not cleared within seven (7) school days after the student returns from the absence. Six (6) period absences equal one full day of truancy. The following represents the procedures which will be followed when a student is absent from school without a valid excuse or is tardy without the school’s approval in excess of 30 minutes (E.C. 48260). Please refer to the Modesto City Schools Conduct Code and Information Handbook for specific details.

Step 1: Detention or Saturday School assigned

Step 2: Detention or Saturday School assigned

Step 3: Saturday School. Student is a legal truant (E.C. 48260, 42260.5)

Step 4: Saturday School, mandatory parent conference with administrator, and ineligible for work permit and extra-curricular activities for 9 weeks. Student is a legal habitual truant (E.C. 48262)

Step 5: Saturday School, ineligible for work permit and extra-curricular activities for an additional 9 weeks, possible referral to alternative education program and/or SARB

Step 6: Saturday School, ineligible for extra-curricular activities and work permit remainder of school year, and may be referred to alternative education program, involuntary transfer