Dress Code
Modesto City Schools Dress Code Standards
Dress Code Standards
Administrative Regulation
Dress and Grooming
The Modesto City Schools dress code sets standards that promote a positive and safe learning environment for students. Annual notice of this regulation shall be provided to students, parents and staff. Each Site Safety Committee shall
regularly review these standards. Appropriate dress for school dances, graduation activities and other special events will be communicated to parents and students by the school.
The following guidelines shall apply to all regular school activities:
Students shall dress appropriately for educational activities in which they will participate so as not to endanger their
health, safety, or welfare, or that of others, or cause a disruption to the educational process. Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments when sitting or standing, or bending.
Repeated violation of the District or school dress code(s) shall be considered a violation of Education Code section
489D0(k): Disruption of school activities and/or willful defiance of valid school personnel authority. Appropriate
consequences shall be specified and implemented according to the K-6 and 7-12 discipline policies.
Final determination of what constitutes appropriate dress shall be made by the principal/designee.