Traffic Safety
Student Loading Zones
The EHS procedure for student loading and unloading has been designed to move cars and students in and out most efficiently. These procedures only work if all motorists follow them closely. Cars should enter the school through the main entrance roundabout, proceed past the front of the school, and drive toward the west end of the parking lot, pulling alongside the curb to load and unload students. It is also permitted to enter the Staff/Visitor parking lot adjacent to the tennis courts for drop off/pick up traffic. Everyone dropping off or picking up students from school has the responsibility to know and follow the procedures. Always observe all official signs and instructions by school staff during loading or unloading students. The perimeter road around the back of Enochs is for authorized district vehicles only, no parent or student vehicles are allowed behind the school during the school day. Violators may be cited for parking/stopping in unauthorized areas.
Get involved – Become a school volunteer and help to distribute loading/unloading information, promote appropriate procedures among motorists, or monitor the traffic flow during loading and unloading. Ask your school how best to get involved.
Use only designated loading locations – EHS has a designated location to loading and unloading students.
Do not use the school’s bus loading zone – Located behind the school, on the perimeter road this zone is for school buses only. The perimeter road around the back of Enochs is for authorized district vehicles only, no parent or student vehicles are allowed behind the school during the school day. Violators may be cited for parking/stopping in unauthorized areas. Dropping students off at this location is not only dangerous, but it slows down the flow of any buses coming into the school.
Allow extra time – Everyone is very busy, but that’s no excuse to put our Students’ safety at risk – leave a few minutes early to allow ample time for loading and unloading. Just a few minutes can make a great difference, and help to make the traffic circulation around schools more efficient for everyone.
Be courteous and respectful of neighbors – You can reduce the traffic and parking impact on residents living near a school loading location by following all procedures, and by being sure to never park in front of driveways.
Students may walk to and from school – If practical, this is a great way to help students get fresh air and exercise, and stay healthy – and it will significantly reduce the number of cars around the school and neighborhood. Students who walk must use the pedestrian bridge/overpass to cross Sylvan in front of the school. Students caught “J-walking” may be assigned detention. Biking to school is also a great alternative. Bicyclists must also use the pedestrian bridge to cross Sylvan at the main entrance to the school.
Consider car-pooling or public transit – With many cars entering the student parking lot ride sharing will reduce the amount of traffic congestion encountered. Modesto Area Express route 24 services Enochs High daily from 7am to 7pm.
Specific Procedures for Student Loading & Unloading
Vehicle Traffic – Sylvan is open to EAST BOUND and WEST BOUND vehicle traffic. Students may not be dropped off on Sylvan Avenue. Follow roundabout signs to aide traffic flow.
Pedestrian Overpass – Pedestrian traffic on both sides of Sylvan Avenue is allowed. However, pedestrians must use the overpass near the Sylvan/Millbrook roundabout in front of Enochs High School when crossing Sylvan. Students caught “J-walking” at the roundabout may be assigned detention.
Drop Off – When entering Enochs do not stop until you have entered the designated area clearly marked with signs. Stops must be brief and drivers must remain in their cars. Students must be ready to leave the car when they arrive at the loading/unloading area.
Pick-Up – If your child is not outside when you arrive for pickup, park in a space in the lot until they come out. No long term parking is permitted in the loading zone.
Curbs – For safety, drop students off from the passenger side of the car at the curb.
Never stop at red curbs.
Park and walk — To avoid parking lot congestion, students may be dropped off and picked up along Millbrook Avenue. Be sure to remind student to use the pedestrian overpass when crossing Sylvan Avenue.
The Sylvan Veterinarian Hospital on Roselle and its parking areas are not an approved drop-off or pick up areas. Please respect our neighboring business.
The Mary Grogan Soccer Complex on the east side of the campus is a Modesto City park and accessible for drop-off and pick-up.