School Data & Statistics
All schools in California have publically shared data that is available on the California Department of Education website.
DataQuest contains reports for accountability (e.g. API, AYP), test data, enrollment, graduates, dropouts, course enrollments, staffing, and data regarding English learners. To navigate, select school for the level and then select the type of data you are requesting. Once this is complete type in Enochs under the school box and select a year. The information will then be queried for you.
Ed-Data contains State, county, district, and school level reports covering topics such as students, staffing, finances, and performance. Ed-Data is a partnership of the California Department of Education, EdSource and the Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team/California School Information Services (FCMAT/CSIS) designed to offer educators, policymakers, the Legislature, parents, and the public quick access to timely and comprehensive data about K-12 education in California. The California Department of Education (CDE) collects, analyzes, and publishes a wide variety of fiscal, demographic, attendance, and student performance data from local educational agencies. This information is the source of Ed-Data's profiles and most of the reports. CDE staff administer the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) the longitudinal data system used to collect much of the students and staff data displayed on the Ed-Data website. CDE staff provide expertise to make the data available to the Partnership, assist in the design of the site, and participate in determining how to use the data to make meaningful and useful analyses and comparisons.
If you have any questions about the data for Enochs High School, contact the Curriculum and Instruction office at (209) 574-1727