Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)
James C. Enochs High School is Accredited through the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)
Accreditation is a voluntary dual-purpose process that schools (1) must be worthy of the trust placed in them to provide high-quality learning opportunities and (2) clearly demonstrate continual self-improvement.
An accredited school is focused on a mission and goals for students; it is student-oriented and examines its students' performance continuously; it accepts objective evaluation from a team of outside peer professionals trained by WASC; it maintains a qualified faculty within an effectively organized school; it collaboratively assesses the quality of its educational programs on a regular basis; and it plans for the future.
April 2016 Update:
The WASC visiting team committee was here at Enochs March 6-9, 2016. The visiting team meet with all stakeholders (staff, students, parents, and community members), analyzed the Self-Study report (see full Self-Study in link on the right side of this page), and made observations of various aspects of the school during their visit. At the end of the visit they reported out their findings to all stakeholders. The items covered will be used to develop schoolwide action plans to guide us in our next three years. After their visit, the WASC chairperson submitter their final report to the main WASC office for review. We should hear over the summer the final accreditation for Enochs.
January 2016 Update:
The WASC visiting team committee will be at Enochs March 6-9, 2016. The visiting team will meet with all stakeholders (staff, students, parents, and community members), analyze the Self-Study report (see full Self-Study in link on the right side of this page), and make observations of various aspects of the school during their visit. At the end of the visit they will review their findings at a public meeting and then make a recommendation of term accreditation to the WASC office. The public meeting that will review the findings of the visiting committee will be Wednesday, March 9th at 2:15 pm in the Enochs Multi-purpose room. If you have any questions on the WASC process, contact Mr. Pendley at 550-3402.
Fall 2015
The spring of 2015-16 is the semester for our next full self study through WASC, if you are interested in participating as a community member or parent please contact the principal’s office 550-3401.