Calculus AB & BC
This course is intended for students who have a strong knowledge of algebra, geometry, and trigonometry, as well as a good understanding of polynomial functions, trigonometric functions and rational functions. Calculus AB is generally equivalent to one semester of a college calculus course. It is also comparable to the level of the accelerated courses taken in prior years. Topics include limits, continuity, differentiation and integration, as well as the theory related to these topics. Applications related to many fields including engineering, medicine and business are considered. Assessments will require students to apply concepts that they learned to new situations, to illustrate understanding of the theory and to demonstrate clear critical thinking skills. The homework is frequently very challenging and students must be willing to work diligently to complete problem sets. Since AP Calculus exam is early in May, there is no time review the essential skills. It is your responsibility to utilize various resources to refresh and advance your prior skills.
AP Calculus is a demanding course. You will need to devote a considerable amount of time throughout the year in order to be successful in this course and you should expect to struggle with some topics.
Students are expected to be attentive to instruction and active learners while working individually or in groups.
Class time is primarily used to introduce and explore calculus concepts. It is your responsibility to stay on top of the material and seek help when needed. Improving your homework quality, note-taking and time management behaviors will help you reach your goals.
Learning AP Calculus is a team effort. As a class our ultimate goal should be that every student will be prepared to take the AP exam and obtain a score of 3 or higher from the College Board.
You will need to think critically. Just completing your homework on time is not enough to be successful. Tests and quizzes will assess your ability to effectively communicate your understanding of Calculus. Your goal should be for understanding–not just trying to get it done. Your attitude about the subject and learning will go a long way in determining your success.
Be willing to acknowledge areas of weakness and take prompt action to address them. Often successful learning is centered on having accurate self-knowledge of your ability and a willingness to change your initial perspective.
Students should anticipate about 30+ homework problems per class meeting when new material is presented. One to two hours minimum will be required for completing homework (more time may be required with difficult topics and concepts).
Quizzes (20% of grade) will be given frequently and are designed to check your understanding of homework topics covered in class.
One or two Tests (55% of grade) will be given for each chapter. Do not limit your study time to the night before the test. You should review your notes, homework, and quizzes in order to grasp the topics and concepts on which you will be assessed. The test will start promptly when the bell rings and must be turned in by the end of the period. No curve is applied to Test Scores and NO retakes for a poor Test score.
Summer Assignment: Take the Summer Assignment very seriously! The first Test in this class is at the end of the first week of school, and it will cover the content standards assigned in the “Summer Assignment Packet.” and there are NO RETAKES! This Test contains Free Response Questions without a calculator; this means you are required to show the mastery of essential skills covered in this packet.