European History
AP European History is a college-level survey course covering European history/Western Civilization from 1450 to the present. The course uses a college-level textbook, and students are required to engage in college-level analysis, writing and discussions. Using a thematic approach, students will focus on chronological reasoning, comparison and contextualization of historic events, crafting historical arguments from historical evidence, and historical interpretation and synthesis. Many students will find that the time commitment necessary to cover the extensive amount of content, along with the in-depth analysis required to complete the reading and to perform strongly on exams, essays and other assignments to be quite challenging. Students enrolled in this course are expected to take the Advanced Placement Exam in European History in May. A summer project required.
Weekly Homework
Reading textbook, defining historical terms, identifying individuals and event, providing independent analytical responses to questions, and studying.
Average Reading Per Night
5-10 pages
Testing Format
Multiple-Choice Questions, Free-Response Essays, and/or Short-Answers. Quizzes will be given on a random basis.
Tests Per Semester
Other Expectations
Individual analysis of primary source documents, independent historical research, in-class free-response and document-based essays, reading notes, class notes.
Summer Assignment
Read textbook Chapter 12. Complete Chapter 12 Term Sheet. Locate, identify, and study the countries of Europe from a current map. Chapter 12 Term Sheet due on first day of school; There will be a Chapter 12 Test on the first day of school. Quiz covering the countries of Europe during the first week of school.